In the Media


Haiti earthquake medical crisis: day 3 (msnbc report)

AidWEST was responsible for delivering desperately needed medical supplies and pain medication to three hospitals on both sides of the Haiti/Dominican Republic border in the first 4 days following the January 12 earthquake:

When the rains come

Although the plight of the Haitian earthquake victims has faded from the public consciousness in the rest of the world, the challenges continue. Join AidWEST director John Elliott as he interviews five of the 200,000 residents of the 550 improvised tent cities, so you can hear the story directly from the languishing victims themselves.

Haiti: in case of disaster

John Elliott, founder of AidWEST Humanitarian Care, speaking at the April 2010 International Medical Volunteer Conference Presentation at Emory University. He discussed his vision for dealing with disasters such as the Haiti earthquake.


Photographs from medical mission

Stephanie Consie, AidWEST volunteer medical level II, transports patients at Buen Samaritano emergency hospital near the Haitian border.

Ellen Jones and Jamie Smith, AidWEST volunteers medical level II, provide physical therapy for patients at the Harvard patient recovery camp in Fond Parisienne in Haiti.

After building a new wood bench for the students he greets, Team Leader John Elliott conducts an impromptu English lesson in a primitive school room in Onaville, Haiti.

Courtney Walsh, a registered nurse, distributes rehydration salt drinks to youngsters in a rural classroom north of the Haitian capital.

February 2010 team member Rick Hodder, who undertook a score of electrical, communications, and infrastructure projects at the Harvard medical hospital in Haiti.